
Holiday Magic

Featured photo HOLIDAY MAGIC

We need your help! Each winter, True Ground connects residents from all backgrounds with gifts for the holidays. Support your neighbors by purchasing a gift from one of our Amazon Wish Lists, making a monetary donation, or volunteering at the gift distributions.

Mother and daughter smiling for Christmas picture

Gifts for youth: Residents will order their gifts from an online wish list then pick up their gifts on 12/14 at Columbia Hills. Additionally on 12/14, residents can have their gift wrapped, take pictures with Santa, and enjoy crafts, activities, and sweet treats.

Gifts for adults: The Starlight Shop is an opportunity for children ages 8-18 to choose a gift for an adult in their life. Children will receive “a budget” and work with staff and volunteers to stay within the budget while choosing gifts for their family member. The Starlight Shops will be held at Queens Court (12/4), Columbia Hills (12/11), and The Springs (12/13).

How to help:

  1. Buy a gift on Amazon
  2. Make an online donation using the below form so True Ground can purchase gifts for residents
  3. Volunteer at the distributions by emailing [email protected]
    • Volunteer at Holiday Magic on 12/14 at Columbia Hills
    • Volunteer at a Starlight Shop: Queens Court (12/4), Columbia Hills (12/11), and The Springs (12/13).