APAH’s redeveloped Queens Court Apartments, which officially opened last month, offer new and returning residents stable and affordable housing, and opportunity – with access to public transportation, jobs, schools, on-site programming and much more. “This property means the world to me,” said resident Charmaine Johnson. Johnson lived with her husband at Queens Court prior to the redevelopment and though they lived at Columbia Hills for the past two years, couldn’t wait to return once the construction was finished. “The location in Arlington is great, I’m within walking distance of the Rosslyn Metro station and there is a strong sense of community here.” Other residents have also expressed excitement for the community that Queens Court provides, and the abundance of resources and programs available from both APAH and community partners.
When a new resident arrives at Queens Court, they are greeted by one of APAH’s Resident Service Coordinators and asked to complete a detailed welcome survey. Residents can outline resources they may need access to, such as supplementary food assistance, and suggest new programing that they would like to see offered. This process allows APAH’s resident services team to not only build rapport with these households, but also plan for programs that will directly impact these households thanks to their self-identification of needs. And, since the team can immediately start connecting them with resources that are available, residents quickly learn there are trusted people they can reach out to for support.
Every household also receives a welcome basket when they move in, which have been donated by neighbors and the Arlington community. These baskets are full of practical items such as cleaning supplies and toiletries to help residents as they move in. Residents are often surprised by the baskets and express how appreciative they are. After completing their welcome survey, many residents happily pose for a picture with their baskets before going to see their new apartment.
The Rosslyn community has said “welcome home” to Queens Court residents as well. This month, an ice cream social was hosted by our leasing office and Claire Peters, the principal of Innovation Elementary School, which is located across the street from Queens Court. Peters welcomed parents and their children and helped provide information about schools in the area. This was a great way to help immerse families in their new community, while enjoying an ice cream sundae on a warm, sunny, summer day.