
Resident Entrepreneurs at Arlington Mill

Smiling woman presenting cupcakes at event

Resident Entrepreneurs at Arlington Mill

Yvonne Aikens is a resident of Arlington Mill and an APAH Board Member. As a striving entrepreneur, she attended the Arlington Mill Entrepreneur Fair to sell cupcakes and showcase her baking talents. Yvonne is licensed in food services, specifically food safety, and has a certification in cake decoration.

In addition to selling cakes and cupcakes for three years, Yvonne is also currently running her own business called People, Places, and Things. Yvonne is part of ENOVATE (Employing North Virginia Through Entrepreneurship), which provides assistance for those working to start  their own businesses. She got her start in entrepreneurship through BDAG (Business Development Assistance Group), which helped her get started on her current business endeavor.

Yvonne believes that the Entrepreneur Fair is a great opportunity for her and for other residents, and that it is a good way to see how residents in the community are striving and achieving.